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A Message from the international MOVE TEAM
A Global MOVE
IEEE is expanding this award-winning program to provide relief and outreach on an international basis. The next phase of deployment includes India and the Caribbean, which are frequently affected by severe storms. The program may use smaller vehicles or a more modular “MOVE in a box” approach based on in-country preferences and requirements.
Services are provided by IEEE volunteers and the program is funded by donations.
If you’d like to help fund this program, you can make a personal tax deductible donation to MOVE*.
*The IEEE Foundation, Incorporated is qualified under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Donations to the IEEE Foundation are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law in the United States. For other countries, please check with your local tax adviser regarding tax deductions of charitable contributions. For more information about the IEEE Foundation and charitable giving visit