5@7: Entrepreneurship for quantum technologies
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2Y 0A3The IEEE Photonics Society Montreal chapter in partnership with Quantino are inviting you to this 5 à 7 to continue the conversation with the panelists, participants, and guests about entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship for quantum technology development following the panel presentation at QCE24 (more information about the panel (https://qce.quantum.ieee.org/2024/program/panels-abstracts/#pan11)). Refreshments and cocktail snacks will be provided. Le chapitre montréalais de l'IEEE Photonics Society en partenariat avec Quantino vous invite à ce 5 à 7 pour continuer la conversation avec les panélistes, les participants et les invités sur l'entrepreneuriat et l'intrapreneuriat pour le développement de la technologie quantique suite à la présentation du panel à QCE24 (plus d'informations sur le panel (https://qce.quantum.ieee.org/2024/program/panels-abstracts/#pan11)). Des rafraîchissements et des bouchées seront offerts. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2Y 0A3
Journée de l’Innovation en Génie Physique 2024 / Innovation Day in Engineering Physics 2024
Room: Salle 1035, Bldg: Pavillon Joseph-Armand Bombardier, 5155 Chemin de la Rampe , Polytechnique Montreal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3T 1J4(An English version will follow) Vous êtes invités à assister à la 6e Journée de l’Innovation en Génie Physique le 20 septembre au 1035 du Pavillon Joseph-Armand-Bombardier à 13h00. ---- You are invited to attend the 6th edition of the Innovation Day in Engineering Physics on September 20th, at Room 1035, Joseph-Armand-Bombardier Building at 13h00. Co-sponsored by: Chapitre Etudiant SPIE/OPTICA - Polytechnique Speaker(s): Sébastien Loranger, Ph.D., Angeles Camacho Rosales, Ph.D. Room: Salle 1035, Bldg: Pavillon Joseph-Armand Bombardier, 5155 Chemin de la Rampe , Polytechnique Montreal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3T 1J4
Vancouver TALK 26: Data Mining and Machine Learning for Analysis of Network Traffic
Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/423177Event re-scheduled from original date of 2024-Jun-15 Speaker: Ljiljana Trajkovic, Ph.D., P.Eng., FIEEE; Professor, School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University In this talk, the speaker will describe collection and analysis of data from various deployed communication networks and the Internet. We are interested in collections of traffic data during reported anomalies such as worms, viruses, power outages, and ransomware attacks. Modern machine learning techniques and tools used to classify such anomalies are described and evaluated. Registration is optional, but we want to know who to expect. 10:00 AM P.D.T. Suggest you log in at 9:45 AM (12:45 PM Montreal) to check connection and say hello. All IEEE members are welcome, especially those Life Members that don't have a local Affinity Group. We are looking for speakers for the rest of the year, contact Carl Zanon if interested. Speaker(s): Ljiljana Trajkovic Agenda: 9:45 AM Zoom opens 10:00 AM Welcome and speaker introduction 10:05 AM Speaker Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/423177
Careers in Technology Fall Series 2024 – Victor B Lawrence, PhD 24 September 8pm EST
Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/431105The Careers in Technology Fall Series begins on 24 September at 8pm Eastern Time with: Professor Victor B Lawrence, PhD IEEE Fellow, National Inventors Hall of Fame. In the introduction, Dr Lawrence’s preparation for a career at Bell Labs in Advanced Communication Technologies will be discussed. Then Dr Lawrence will conduct a detailed deep dive discussion of modern communications and networks. Some of Dr Lawrence’s technical experience includes: Key innovations of Bell Labs, artificial intelligence and machine learning, communications technologies, telecommunications, networks, patents, standards of today. Technology for the future. HDTV, Modems, Bluetooth: The importance of Standards. Professor Victor B Lawrence, PhD will share his thoughts about the future influence of technology in society, and recommendations for navigating a technical career in this era. Lawrence has received numerous awards and honorary degrees, including: - 1981: (https://ieee-cas.org/guillemin-cauer-award), (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_Circuits_and_Systems_Society) - 1984: J. Harry Karp Best Paper Award at Interface '84 - 1986: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_California,_Berkeley), Chancellor's Distinguished Lecture Series - 1987: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_of_Electrical_and_Electronics_Engineers) - 1992: Fellow of (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AT%26T_Bell_Labs) - 1995: Black Engineer for Outstanding Technical Contributions - 1997: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmy_Awards) for (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Alliance_(HDTV)) Standard - 2000: IEEE Millennium Medal - 2003: Member of (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Academy_of_Engineering) - 2004: IEEE Award in International Communication - 2007: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_Simon_Ramo_Medal) for leadership in world-wide data communications networks - 2012: Charter Fellow of (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Academy_of_Inventors) (NAI) - 2016: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_National_Inventors_Hall_of_Fame_inductees) Speaker(s): Professor Victor B Lawrence, PhD IEEE Fellow Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/431105
PreFab: Image-to-Image Computer Vision for Advanced Nanophotonic Fabrication and Design
Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/433675PreFab: Image-to-Image Computer Vision for Advanced Nanophotonic Fabrication and Design Abstract: PreFab is an image-to-image computer vision system designed to predict and correct nanofabrication variations in integrated photonic circuits. Utilizing convolutional neural networks (CNNs) trained on GDS design files and scanning electron microscope (SEM) images, PreFab enables precise transformations such as fabrication variation prediction, automatic design correction, SEM segmentation, and SEM styling. This system enhances the manufacturability and fidelity of complex photonic circuits by anticipating deviations like erosion, dilation, and edge uncertainties, and compensating for these during the design phase. Additionally, it facilitates post-fabrication analysis through SEM segmentation, allowing for accurate performance analysis. PreFab's methodology aims to minimize fabrication cycles, enhance design fidelity, and adapt to diverse nanophotonic manufacturing techniques, positioning it as a useful tool for the advancement of next-generation photonic technologies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PreFab : Vision par ordinateur image à image pour la fabrication et la conception nanophotoniques avancées Résumé : PreFab est un système de vision par ordinateur image à image conçu pour prédire et corriger les variations de nanofabrication dans les circuits photoniques intégrés. En utilisant des réseaux neuronaux convolutionnels (CNN) formés sur des fichiers de conception GDS et des images de microscope électronique à balayage (SEM), PreFab permet des transformations précises telles que la prédiction des variations de fabrication, la correction automatique de la conception, la segmentation SEM et le style SEM. Ce système améliore la fabricabilité et la fidélité des circuits photoniques complexes en anticipant les écarts tels que l'érosion, la dilatation et les incertitudes de bord, et en les compensant pendant la phase de conception. De plus, il facilite l'analyse post-fabrication grâce à la segmentation SEM, permettant une analyse précise des performances. La méthodologie de PreFab vise à minimiser les cycles de fabrication, à améliorer la fidélité de la conception et à s'adapter à diverses techniques de fabrication nanophotonique, le positionnant comme un outil utile pour l'avancement des technologies photoniques de nouvelle génération. [] Dr. Dusan Gostimirovic (PreFab Photonics) About / A propos The High Throughput and Secure Networks (HTSN) Challenge program is hosting regular virtual seminar series to promote scientific information sharing, discussions, and interactions between researchers. https://nrc.canada.ca/en/research-development/research-collaboration/programs/high-throughput-secure-networks-challenge-program Le programme Réseaux Sécurisés à Haut Débit (RSHD) organise régulièrement des séries de séminaires virtuels pour promouvoir le partage d’informations scientifiques, les discussions et les interactions entre chercheurs. https://nrc.canada.ca/fr/recherche-developpement/recherche-collaboration/programmes/programme-defi-reseaux-securises-haut-debit Co-sponsored by: National Research Council, Canada. Optonique. Speaker(s): Dusan Gostimirovic, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/433675