Careers in Technology Fall Series 2024 – Khandakar Nusrat Islam, PhD 29 October 8pm EST / 7 pm CST


Khandakar Nusrat Islam will conduct a deep dive on her experience as an RF/Microwave Solutions Engineer at Keysight Technologies, where she excels in both engineering and project management. Specializing in RF solutions architecture and project oversight, Nusrat is instrumental in developing custom global solution delivery next-generation solutions at Keysight Technologies. Dr. Islam's career in technology is crucial for driving innovation and addressing pressing global challenges. Her work in developing cutting-edge solutions at Keysight Technologies not only advances engineering practices but also enhances connectivity and improves quality of life. By driving technological progress, she contributes to transformative breakthroughs that benefit industries and communities worldwide. Co-sponsored by: Martha Dodge Speaker(s): Khandakar Nusrat Islam, PhD Virtual:

SAG-based InGaAs/InP SPADs for photon counting in SWIR wavelengths


SAG-based InGaAs/InP SPADs for photon counting in SWIR wavelengths Abstract: Low-light detection with high spatial and temporal precision is increasingly critical for applications like LiDAR, biomedical imaging, free-space communication, and adaptive optics. Single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs), capable of detecting picosecond-level transients at the single-photon level, are emerging as a key technology to meet these demands. While silicon-based SPADs perform well in the visible spectrum due to the maturity of CMOS technology, they suffer from efficiency drops in the near-infrared (NIR) and short-wave infrared (SWIR) regions, limited by silicon’s 1.1 eV indirect bandgap. Enhancing SPAD efficiency in the NIR/SWIR range is essential for eye-safe LiDAR, fiber optic communication, and free-space telecommunication applications. This presentation delves into high-performance single-photon detectors using InGaAs/InP-based SPAD technologies, focusing on their use in quantum key distribution (QKD) and LiDAR. The research includes an extensive characterization of Selective Area Growth (SAG)-based and double-diffusion InGaAs/InP SPADs, examining dark count rate (DCR), photon detection probability (PDP), timing jitter, and uniformity. The novel SAG-based design reduces edge electric fields, enhancing DCR and uniformity. Additionally, the talk will cover a unique SPAD simulation environment using TCAD tools and explore focal plane implementations of SPAD arrays for spatial resolution. Finally, it will address the design considerations and challenges of the read-out circuits for SPAD arrays. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPAD InGaAs/InP basés sur SAG pour le comptage de photons dans les longueurs d'onde SWIR. Résumé : La détection de faible luminosité avec une précision spatiale et temporelle élevée est de plus en plus essentielle pour des applications telles que le LiDAR, l'imagerie biomédicale, la communication en espace libre et l'optique adaptative. Les diodes à avalanche à photon unique (SPAD), capables de détecter des transitoires de l'ordre de la picoseconde au niveau d'un photon unique, apparaissent comme une technologie clé pour répondre à ces demandes. Bien que les SPAD à base de silicium fonctionnent bien dans le spectre visible en raison de la maturité de la technologie CMOS, ils souffrent de baisses d'efficacité dans les régions du proche infrarouge (NIR) et de l'infrarouge à ondes courtes (SWIR), limitées par la bande interdite indirecte de 1,1 eV du silicium. L'amélioration de l'efficacité du SPAD dans la gamme NIR/SWIR est essentielle pour les applications LiDAR, de communication par fibre optique et de télécommunication en espace libre sans danger pour les yeux. Cette présentation se penche sur les détecteurs monophotoniques hautes performances utilisant les technologies SPAD basées sur InGaAs/InP, en se concentrant sur leur utilisation dans la distribution de clés quantiques (QKD) et LiDAR. La recherche comprend une caractérisation approfondie des SPAD InGaAs/InP basés sur SAG et à double diffusion, en examinant le taux de comptage d'obscurité (DCR), la probabilité de détection de photons (PDP), la gigue temporelle et l'uniformité. La nouvelle conception basée sur le SAG réduit les champs électriques de bord, améliorant ainsi le DCR et l'uniformité. De plus, l'exposé couvrira un environnement de simulation SPAD unique utilisant les outils TCAD et explorera les implémentations du plan focal des réseaux SPAD pour la résolution spatiale. Enfin, la présentation abordera les considérations de conception et les défis des circuits de lecture pour les réseaux SPAD. Ekin Kizilkan Halil Kerim Yildirim About / A propos The High Throughput and Secure Networks (HTSN) Challenge program is hosting regular virtual seminar series to promote scientific information sharing, discussions, and interactions between researchers. Le programme Réseaux Sécurisés à Haut Débit (RSHD) organise régulièrement des séries de séminaires virtuels pour promouvoir le partage d’informations scientifiques, les discussions et les interactions entre chercheurs. Co-sponsored by: National Research Council, Canada. Optonique. Speaker(s): Ekin Kizilkan, Halil Kerim Yildirim Virtual:

Artificial Intelligence Driven Smart Digital Diagnostics and Therapeutics for neurological disorders – Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Vir Phoha


[] Free Registration (with a Zoom account; you can get one for free if you don't already have it): Synopsis: Neurological disorders are a leading cause of disability and death worldwide. Early detection and efficient management of these disorders can provide significant health benefits. By providing real-time, data-driven insights AI-driven methods meet an urgent need for early detection and management of these disorders. In this talk, Prof. Phoha will present the potential of AI-driven early diagnosis and Digital Therapeutics (DTx) for neurological disorders. Using the unique properties of data generated through neurological anomalies and disorders, one can use AI methods such as transfer learning from existing knowledge; one-shot and few-shot learning for spiking and sparse data, and hidden Markov models to find underlying relationships and causes of malignant neurological disorders. The speaker will show how the generated data can be captured through smart wearables and phones, how uncovering relationships provides insights for digital rehabilitation, and how using augmented reality and virtual reality provides tremendous potential for cognitive therapy, psychiatric assessments, and rehabilitation. Prof. Phoha will outline a proof-of-concept smart diagnostics-enabled mirror and discuss security issues in smart diagnostics. Speaker(s): Prof. Vir Phoha, Dr. Vishnu S. Pendyala Virtual:

AGM & Banquet for the IEEE Montreal Section

Bldg: Golf Le Royal, 400 ch. Compton, Bromont, Quebec, Canada, J2L 1E9

[] IEEE Montreal Section 2024 Banquet & Annual General Meeting This annual event is an opportunity to network with colleagues, celebrate member achievements with our awards ceremony. DATE: Friday, November 22, 2024 from 06:00 PM to 10:00 PM WHERE: - Please note that some pictures will be taken during the event. By registering to this event, you consent to the use of your portrait, picture or photograph taken during the event by IEEE Montreal in promotional material, including printed and electronic material as well as the IEEE Montreal section website. REGISTRATION: Please register early (click the button on this page). There is a maximum capacity of 140 people, menu selection is required at the time of registration. The venue needs the menus to be provided 7 days in advance. Please note that the price listed for each category is per person. Guests have to pay for their ticket at the specified rate. Please use your membership number for your guest in order to register at the specified rate. Dinner Menu Options: TBD Agenda: - AGM: 18h00-18h30 - Cocktail reception: 18h00-19h00 - Dinner: 19h00-19h50 - Welcome and opening: 19h50-20h00 - Talk (TBD): 20h00-20h20 - Awards Ceremony : 20h20 - 21h00 - Talk (Gold medal winner): 21h00-21h10 - Closing remarks + prizes: 21h10 - 21h30 Bldg: Golf Le Royal, 400 ch. Compton, Bromont, Quebec, Canada, J2L 1E9

The 8th Montreal Photonics Networking Event

Room: Gallerie Rolland (6e étage), Bldg: Pavillion Principal, 2500 Chemin de Polytechnique , Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3T 1J4

You are invited to attend the 8th Montreal Photonics Networking Event on Friday 29th November 2024. The Montreal Photonics Networking Event is an annual event that brings together students doing research in photonics, as well as the local industry and innovation ecosystem. The event features a poster competition with several prizes and various networking activities to foster professional development. The event’s mission is to bring together graduate students to (1) establish a way for students to discuss life as a photonics researcher, (2) enhance research synergies, and (3) connect with the industry for further career development. ----------------- Vous êtes invité·e·s à participer au 8e événement de réseautage en photonique de Montréal le vendredi 29 novembre 2024. Le Montreal Photonics Networking Event est un événement annuel qui rassemble les étudiant·e·s qui font de la recherche en photonique, ainsi que l'industrie locale et l'écosystème de l'innovation. L'événement comprend un concours d'affiches doté de plusieurs prix et diverses activités de réseautage visant à favoriser le développement professionnel. La mission de l'événement est de rassembler les étudiant·e·s (1) permettre aux étudiant.e.s d'échange sur la vie de chercheur·e en photonique, (2) améliorer les synergies de recherche, et (3) rencontrer des représentant·e·s de l'industrie pour développer de nouvelles perspectives de carrière Co-sponsored by: ETS. STARACOM. INTRIQ. PRIMA. Fonex. PreFab. Numana. Ansys. Femtum. Optech. Aeponyx. Excelitas Technologies. Agenda: - 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Booth & poster set-up - 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Registration general attendees - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Poster session #1 dedicated to Dr. Andrea Rovere - 12:00 PM - 12:40 PM: Networking & lunch - 12:40 PM - 1:00 PM: Welcome by Chair - 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Plenary speaker - 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Poster session #2 - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Student Speed-networking - 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM: Announcement of presentation competition winners and closing speech - 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM: Social networking Room: Gallerie Rolland (6e étage), Bldg: Pavillion Principal, 2500 Chemin de Polytechnique , Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3T 1J4