Intent-Based Management for Next-Generation Networks: an LLM-centric Approach
Virtual: Intent-Based Management for Next-Generation Networks: an LLM-centric Approach Intent-based networking (IBN) is crucial in enabling autonomous networks by specifying goals and constraints at a higher level to the Network Management System. TMForum has specified a dedicated architecture and model that rely on Intents to handle and manage communication services, paving the way for autonomous systems towards 6G. Intents that represent an abstracted operational goal specified by the communication service owner, which is usually provided as input to the Network Management System (NMS). The latter, in turn, generates the necessary low-level configurations to fulfill these Intents. The current model of expressing Intents still requires significant effort in writing JSON and YAML structures, demanding a detailed comprehension of the format and model specified by the Northbound Interface (NBI). This process is sometimes not straightforward, and adhering to the structure of these NBIs takes time. A natural evolution for IBN is to move beyond human-readable languages and transition towards natural language. In this talk, we will discuss the evolution of Intents in 6G relaying Large Language Model (LLM) that translates human language into operational intents to deploy communication systems, leveraging few-shot learning and human-in-the-loop Feedback. BIOGRAPHY []Adlen Ksentini is a professor in the Communication Systems Department of EURECOM. He is leading the Network softwarization group activities related to Network softwarization, 5G/6G, and Edge Computing. Adlen Ksentini's research interests are Network Sofwerization and Network Cloudification, focusing on topics related to network virtualization, Software Defined Networking (SDN), and Edge Computing for 5G and 6G networks. He has been participating to several H2020 and Horizon Europe projects on 5G and beyond, such as 5G!Pagoda, 5GTransformer, 5G!Drones, MonB5G, ImagineB5G, 6GBricks, 6G-Intense, Sunrise-6G and AC3. He is the technical manager of 6G-Intense and AC3, on zero-touch management of 6G resources and applications, and Cloud Edge Continuum, respectively. He is interested in the system and architectural issues but also in algorithm problems related to those topics, using Markov Chains, Optimization algorithms, and Machine Learning (ML). Adlen Ksentini has given several tutorials in IEEE international conferences, IEEE Globecom 2015, IEEEE CCNC 2017/2018/2023, IEEE ICC 2017, IEEE/IFIP IM 2017, IEEE School 2019. Adlen Ksentini is a member of the OAI board of directors, where he is in charge of OAI 5G Core Network and ORAN management (O1, E2) for OAI RAN activities. Speaker(s): Adlen, Virtual:
Careers in Technology Summer Series 2024 – Arun Vishwanathan – Model-based Approaches for Cyber Risk Assessment of Space Missions
Virtual: assets such as satellites, drones and spacecraft are increasingly attractive targets for adversaries ranging from individual hackers, to hacker groups and nation states. This rapid rise in the cyber threat landscape necessitates smarter cyber tools to stay ahead of our adversaries. In this talk, I will present the work being done by the Cyber Defense Engineering and Research (CDER) group at JPL in addressing cyber challenges as pertaining to JPL’s missions. I will specifically focus on our work combining model-based engineering and AI-based reasoning to build a unique capability for automated cyber risk assessments. Speaker(s): Dr. Arun Vishwanathan Virtual:
Convex Lifting in Control. Applications on constrained control design, fragility analysis and path planning
Room: EV 3.309, Bldg: EV Building, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3G 1M8The Montreal Chapter of Control Systems (CS) cordially invites you to attend the following in-person talk, given by Dr. Sorin Olaru, Professor of Control Engineering at CentraleSupélec, within the University Paris-Saclay, Paris, France. Co-sponsored by: Concordia University Speaker(s): Dr. Sorin Olaru Room: EV 3.309, Bldg: EV Building, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3G 1M8
Strategic Learning for Cyber-Physical Resilience: The Confluence of Games, Control, and Learning
Room: EV002.184, Bldg: EV Building, Concordia University , Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3G 1M8The Montreal Chapters of the IEEE Control Systems (CS) and Systems, Man & Cybernetics (SMC) cordially invite you to attend the following in-person talk, to be given by Dr. Quanyan Zhu, the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, New York University (NYU). Co-sponsored by: Concordia University Speaker(s): Dr. Quanyan Zhu Room: EV002.184, Bldg: EV Building, Concordia University , Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3G 1M8
Careers in Technology Summer Series 2024 – Paul Carney – Unlock Your Business Potential with AI
Virtual: latest McKinsey Global Survey on AI in May of 2024 concludes that 2023 was the year the world discovered generative AI (GenAI) and 2024 is the year organizations truly began using—and deriving business value from—this new technology. An incredible 65 percent of respondents report that their organizations are regularly using GenAI, which is nearly double the percentage from the previous survey just ten months before. Respondents’ expectations for gen AI’s impact remain as high with three-quarters predicting that gen AI will lead to significant or disruptive change in their industries in the years ahead. This session is an invaluable opportunity for business leaders like you to overcome your hesitation and uncertainty of AI. Mastering AI tools and techniques is not just about keeping pace with technology; it's about leveraging these advanced resources to fill in knowledge gaps, enhance decision-making, and drive productivity. Learning to utilize AI not only streamlines operations but also significantly boosts your capacity to deliver increased business outcomes, making you more valuable and a strategic asset to your organization. You will leave equipped with practical, actionable strategies that you can implement immediately, turning your uncertainty into confidence and empowering you to leverage AI effectively in your daily tasks. Speaker(s): Paul Carney Virtual: