Integrated Photonics Systems Roadmap – International 2023 & PhotonDelta

Room: A-1302, Bldg: Pavillion A, 1100 Notre-Dame St W, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3C 1K3, Virtual:

Abstract: The Integrated Photonics Systems Roadmap – International (IPSR-I) drives global developments of Photonic Integrated Circuits for the coming decades. The roadmap describes the consensus of over 400 experts on future technology gaps in PIC technology and its affiliated applications. The goal is to align R&D investments to drive volume manufacturing of PICs. Join Peter van Arkel who will present the key-results of the IPSR-I and the role of PhotonDelta within the Photonic Integrated Circuits ecosystem. Co-sponsored by: Co-sponsored by National Research Council, Canada. Optonique. ETS Optica Student Chapter. Speaker(s): Peter van Arkel Agenda: 11h00 - 11h50 : technical presentation (hybrid) 11h50-12h30 : free networking and lunch (in-person only) Room: A-1302, Bldg: Pavillion A, 1100 Notre-Dame St W, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3C 1K3, Virtual:

Metamaterials and meta components are the future of photonics: how PlanOpSim and SONIL can help


Metamaterials and meta components are the future of photonics: how PlanOpSim and SONIL can help Abstract: The meta-component markets are set to grow significantly over the next few years. PlanOpSim and SONIL can help you design the components and systems of the future, which will be more compact, less complicated and with new optical functionalities. PlanOpSim offers the fastest, most complete and most advanced simulation and design software for photonic meta-components. It takes into account manufacturing constraints and dispersions to provide the optimized design in term of performance and production cost. SOLNIL manufactures the components below using its nanoimprint lithography process. From the formulation of solgels to the manufacture of metal oxide nanostructures, SOLNIL has three expertise: Chemical formulation, manufacturing process and optical characterization. The synergy between these two companies is an opportunity to develop innovative components and systems in reasonable budget and development time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les méta matériaux et méta composants sont le futur de la photonique : comment PlanOpSim et SOLNIL peuvent aider Résumé : Les marchés des méta composants vont croitre de manière importante dans les prochaines années. Les sociétés PlanOpSim et SONIL vous aident à concevoir les composants et les systèmes du futur qui seront plus compacts, moins compliqués avec des fonctionnalités optiques nouvelles. En effet, PlanOpSim propose le logiciel de simulation et de design de méta composant photonique. Le plus rapide, le plus complet et le plus compétitif du marché, il tient compte des contraintes et des dispersions de fabrication. SOLNIL fabrique les composants ci-dessous avec son procédé de lithographie par nano impression de la formulation des solgels à la fabrication des nano structures en oxide métallique à indice variable et contrôlé. La synergie de ces deux entreprises permet de développer des fonctions photoniques plus rapidement. [] About / A propos The High Throughput and Secure Networks (HTSN) Challenge program is hosting regular virtual seminar series to promote scientific information sharing, discussions, and interactions between researchers. Le programme Réseaux Sécurisés à Haut Débit (RSHD) organise régulièrement des séries de séminaires virtuels pour promouvoir le partage d’informations scientifiques, les discussions et les interactions entre chercheurs. Co-sponsored by: National Research Council, Canada. Optonique. Speaker(s): Dominique Bonnisseau, Virtual:

Soapbox Science Montréal 2024

Place des Fleurs-de-Macadam, , 962 Mont Royal Ave. E, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

( takes over the streets of (! We are excited to present to you the 2nd edition of ( this upcoming Saturday, June 15 from 1 to 4 pm. Join us again in 2024 to discuss science for all age groups while taking in some fresh air. We are grateful for our partner and co-organizer (, and of course, our wonderful volunteers. Co-sponsored by: Soapbox Science Montreal Place des Fleurs-de-Macadam, , 962 Mont Royal Ave. E, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Canada LMAG Chair Teleconference JUNE 17, 2024


R7 LMAG Executive Teleconference - MONTHLY MEETING Agenda: Canada LMC Chair Comments MGA LMC Member Comments Introduction of new 2024 Canada LMC Chair - Dirk Werle Section Reports and Sharing Virtual:

Some Aspects of Power Electronics: Gate Drivers

Room: T129, Bldg: Technology (T), 1380 Woodroffe Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Virtual:

Admission: Free. Refreshments and light snacks offered. Registration Required. Abstract When a power electronics application is discussed, the most important parts are topology and switches (Si MOSFETs or IGBTs, SiC MOSFETs or JFET, or GaN HEMTs). However every switch requires a gate driver, a power amplifier that receives a low-power input from a controller and produces a high-current driving output for the gate of high-power switches. There are different type drivers: non isolated, level shifted and isolated; one driver, half and full bridge drivers or three drivers in one package. Some gate drivers have protection features such as fast short-circuit protection (e.g. DESAT), active Miller clamp, shoot-through protection, shutdown, and overcurrent protection, which make them well-suited for both silicon and wide-bandgap power devices. Selection of proper driver is also important. In this seminar different types of gate drivers and parameters that need to be taken in account when selecting of a gate driver will be discussed. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 941 5894 4861 Password: 683360 [] Speaker(s): , Tanya Room: T129, Bldg: Technology (T), 1380 Woodroffe Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Virtual: