IEEE Montréal – Board Meeting
Room: L-3816 - Pavillon Lassonde, Bldg: Pavillon Lassonde, 2700 Ch de la Tour, Montréal,, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3T 1J4Chairs and Officers of all Chapters, Affinity Groups (WIE, YP, IR, Humanitarian, etc...), Student Branches, Counselors, Ambassadors, and ExCom: Please join us online for a meeting on March, from 18:00 to 20:30 . This meeting is a chance to get together virtually, discuss accomplishments of the previous period, and plan for the future events. It would be great if everyone could make an effort and attend the meeting - we want to hear from you! Room: L-3816 - Pavillon Lassonde, Bldg: Pavillon Lassonde, 2700 Ch de la Tour, Montréal,, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3T 1J4
Mid-infrared Transmitter and Receiver for Free Space Optical SatCom
Virtual: Transmitter and Receiver for Free Space Optical SatCom Abstract - In this talk, we review efforts of the Xu research group at McMaster to implement a C-band to mid-infrared (3.4-3.5 micron) transmitter and receiver pair. This is accomplished via difference frequency generation and sum frequency generation for the transmitter and receiver modules, respectively. We will go over professional packaging progress, project outcomes, and discuss the significant improvement in conversion efficiency over the reported literature thanks to the intracavity design. Additionally, a link budget model for the C-band and mid-infrared are compared to evaluate pros and cons of potentially adopting mid-infrared for satellite communications, as well as any adjacent applications for the modules. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Émetteur et récepteur infrarouge moyen pour SatCom optique en espace libre Résumé - Dans cet exposé, nous passons en revue les efforts du groupe de recherche Xu à McMaster pour mettre en œuvre une paire émetteur et récepteur en bande C vers l'infrarouge moyen (3,4-3,5 microns). Ceci est accompli via la génération de fréquence différentielle et la génération de fréquence somme pour les modules émetteur et récepteur, respectivement. Nous passerons en revue les progrès de l'emballage professionnel, les résultats du projet et discuterons de l'amélioration significative de l'efficacité de conversion par rapport à la littérature rapportée grâce à la conception intracavité. De plus, un modèle de bilan de liaison pour la bande C et l'infrarouge moyen est comparé pour évaluer les avantages et les inconvénients de l'adoption potentielle de l'infrarouge moyen pour les communications par satellite, ainsi que de toute application adjacente pour les modules. About / A propos The High Throughput and Secure Networks (HTSN) Challenge program is hosting regular virtual seminar series to promote scientific information sharing, discussions, and interactions between researchers. Le programme Réseaux Sécurisés à Haut Débit (RSHD) organise régulièrement des séries de séminaires virtuels pour promouvoir le partage d’informations scientifiques, les discussions et les interactions entre chercheurs. Co-sponsored by: National Research Council, Canada. Optonique. Speaker(s): Liam Flannigan, Virtual:
Unlocking Your Cloud Potential: Skills, Careers, and Insider Tips for Success
Room: Bureau 6900 - 6th floor, 800 Rue De la Gauchetière O, Montréal, QC, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H5A1K6, Virtual:[] Join Alexandre Debargis as he shares their journey into cloud computing, demystifying the world of Google and offering valuable insights into this exciting field. Discover diverse cloud career paths, essential skills to master, and practical tips for breaking into top tech companies like Google and other FAANG giants. Get ready to transform your career trajectory! Rejoignez Alexandre Debargis qui partage son parcours dans l'informatique dématérialisée, en démystifiant le monde de Google et en offrant de précieuses informations sur ce domaine passionnant. Découvrez divers parcours professionnels dans l'informatique dématérialisée, les compétences essentielles à maîtriser et des conseils pratiques pour percer dans des entreprises technologiques de premier plan telles que Google et d'autres géants du secteur FAANG. Préparez-vous à transformer votre trajectoire professionnelle ! Co-sponsored by: INRS Speaker(s): , Alexandre Debargis Room: Bureau 6900 - 6th floor, 800 Rue De la Gauchetière O, Montréal, QC, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H5A1K6, Virtual:
Vancouver TALK 23: Some Insights on Railway Technology
Virtual: Paul Clegg, Retired Director of Network Transactions, Canadian Pacific Railway Abstract: The topics will include the following: · Why is standard gauge such an unusual measurement 4' 81/2"? · Backward compatibility - air brakes · The MacDonald Tunnel - ventilation for more than exhaust gas · Hybrid Locomotives - generating electricity from coal rolling down hill · Distributed Power - NASA meets the railroad · Efficiency of the steel wheel & continuous profile . Bio: Paul Clegg, Calgary, Alberta, is the retired Director of Network Transactions for Canadian Pacific Railway. Registration is optional, but we want to know who to expect. 10:00 AM P.D.T. You can log in at 9:45 AM (12:45 PM Montreal) to check connection and say hello. All IEEE members are welcome, especially those Life Members that don't have a local Affinity Group. We are looking for speakers for the rest of the year, contact Carl Zanon if interested. Speaker(s): Paul Clegg Agenda: 9:45 AM Zoom opens 10:00 AM Welcome and speaker introduction 10:05 AM Speaker Virtual:
Canada LMAG Chair Teleconference March, 2024
Virtual: LMAG Executive Teleconference - MONTHLY MEETING Agenda: Canada LMC Chair Comments MGA LMC Member Comments Introduction of new 2024 Canada LMC Chair - Dirk Werle Section Reports and Sharing Virtual: