TALK 28: Transmission Line Asset Management


Transmission Line Asset Management: A presentation from the CIGRE 2024 Paris conference. Speaker: Dr. Janos Toth Speaker(s): Dr. Janos Toth Agenda: Registration is optional, but we want to know who to expect. 10:00 AM P.D.T. Suggest you log in at 9:45 AM (12:45 PM Montreal) to check connection and say hello. All IEEE members are welcome, especially those Life Members that don't have a local Affinity Group. There will be no TALK in December. We are looking for speakers for 2025, contact Carl Zanon if interested. 9:45 AM Zoom opens 10:00 AM Eulogy for Terry Branch 10:05 AM Welcome and speaker introduction 10:10 AM Speaker Virtual:

Detection of zeptojoule terahertz pulses for 6G technologies


Detection of zeptojoule terahertz pulses for 6G technologies. Abstract: We review efforts made at the Ultrafast Terahertz Lab at the University of Ottawa under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Michel Ménard and Dr. Angela Gamouras (NRC) towards demonstrating a high-sensitivity room-temperature detection scheme for terahertz (THz) radiation. This approach is based on nonlinear optical frequency conversion of THz to near-infrared (NIR) frequency. The upconverted NIR photons are spectrally resolved using a monochromator and detected using a commercial single-photon detector sensitive in the NIR. We detect THz pulses with energies as low as 1.4 zJ (10-21 J) which corresponds to 1.5 photons per pulse at a frequency of 2 THz when averaged over only 50,000 pulses. The development of such high-sensitivity detection schemes will pave the way towards room-temperature THz single-photon detection, THz quantum technologies and wireless communications. We explore the THz band as a possible solution to meet the ever-growing demand of high data transfer rates for sixth and next generation (6G) wireless communications. At these frequencies, one of the disadvantages is strong absorption due to water vapour. However, we have identified seven bands with high spectral transmission between 1 THz and 3 THz under normal atmospheric conditions. We classify these bands into three categories based on the THz propagation distance for different applications: 1. Short, 2. Mid and 3. Long-range communications. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Détection d'impulsions térahertz zeptojoules pour les technologies 6G. Résumé : Nous passons en revue les efforts déployés au laboratoire Ultrafast Terahertz de l'Université d'Ottawa sous la supervision du professeur Jean-Michel Ménard et de la Dre Angela Gamouras (CNRC) pour démontrer un système de détection à haute sensibilité à température ambiante pour le térahertz (THz). Cette approche est basée sur la conversion de fréquence optique non linéaire du THz en fréquence proche infrarouge (NIR). Les photons NIR convertis sont résolus spectralement à l'aide d'un monochromateur et détectés à l'aide d'un détecteur commercial à photon unique sensible dans le NIR. Nous détectons des impulsions THz avec des énergies aussi faibles que 1,4zJ (10-21 J), ce qui correspond à 1,5 photons par impulsion à une fréquence de 2 THz en moyenne sur seulement 50 000 impulsions. Le développement de tels systèmes de détection à haute sensibilité ouvrira la voie à la détection de photons uniques THz à température ambiante, aux technologies quantiques THz et aux communications sans fil. Nous explorons la bande THz comme solution possible pour répondre à la demande toujours croissante de débits de transfert de données élevés pour les communications sans fil de sixième et prochaine génération (6G). A ces fréquences, un des inconvénients est la forte absorption due à la vapeur d'eau. Cependant, nous avons identifié sept bandes à transmission spectrale élevée entre 1 THz et 3 THz dans des conditions atmosphériques normales. Nous classons ces bandes en trois catégories en fonction de la distance de propagation THz pour différentes applications : 1. Communications courtes, 2. Moyennes et 3. Communications longue portée. Eeswar Kumar Yalavarthi Aswin Vishnu Radhan About / A propos The High Throughput and Secure Networks (HTSN) Challenge program is hosting regular virtual seminar series to promote scientific information sharing, discussions, and interactions between researchers. Le programme Réseaux Sécurisés à Haut Débit (RSHD) organise régulièrement des séries de séminaires virtuels pour promouvoir le partage d’informations scientifiques, les discussions et les interactions entre chercheurs. Co-sponsored by: National Research Council, Canada. Optonique. Speaker(s): Eeswar Kumar Yalavarthi, Aswin Vishnu Radhan Virtual:

The 8th Montreal Photonics Networking Event

Room: Atrium Lorne-M.-Trottier, Bldg: Pavillon Lassonde, 3e étage, 2700, Chemin de la Tour, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3T 1J4

You are invited to attend the 8th Montreal Photonics Networking Event on Friday 29th November 2024. The Montreal Photonics Networking Event is an annual event that brings together students doing research in photonics, as well as the local industry and innovation ecosystem. The event features a poster competition with several prizes and various networking activities to foster professional development. The event’s mission is to bring together graduate students to (1) establish a way for students to discuss life as a photonics researcher, (2) enhance research synergies, and (3) connect with the industry for further career development. ----------------- Vous êtes invité·e·s à participer au 8e événement de réseautage en photonique de Montréal le vendredi 29 novembre 2024. Le Montreal Photonics Networking Event est un événement annuel qui rassemble les étudiant·e·s qui font de la recherche en photonique, ainsi que l'industrie locale et l'écosystème de l'innovation. L'événement comprend un concours d'affiches doté de plusieurs prix et diverses activités de réseautage visant à favoriser le développement professionnel. La mission de l'événement est de rassembler les étudiant·e·s (1) permettre aux étudiant.e.s d'échange sur la vie de chercheur·e en photonique, (2) améliorer les synergies de recherche, et (3) rencontrer des représentant·e·s de l'industrie pour développer de nouvelles perspectives de carrière Co-sponsored by: ETS. STARACOM. INTRIQ. PRIMA. Fonex. PreFab. Numana. Ansys. Femtum. Optech. Aeponyx. Excelitas Technologies. Speaker(s): Helena van Mierlo Agenda: - 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Booth & poster set-up - 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Registration general attendees - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Poster session #1 dedicated to Dr. Andrea Rovere - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Networking & lunch - 1:00 PM - 1:10 PM: Welcome by Chair in conference room : M1010 - Pavillon Lassonde - 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM: Plenary speaker in conference room : M1010 - Pavillon Lassonde - 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Student Speed-networking - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Poster session #2 - 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM: Free networking - 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM: Announcement of presentation competition winners and closing speech - 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Social networking Room: Atrium Lorne-M.-Trottier, Bldg: Pavillon Lassonde, 3e étage, 2700, Chemin de la Tour, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3T 1J4

Chapter booth at the 8th Montreal Photonics Networking Event

Bldg: Atrium Lorne-M.-Trottier, 2700 Chemin de la Tour, Bldg: Pavillon Lassonde, 3e étage, MONTRÉAL, Quebec, Canada, H3T 1J4

The Montreal Photonics Networking Event is an annual event aimed at bringing together graduate students working in photonics in Quebec to establish new connections between them, as well as industrial representatives to further career development. The INRS Photonics Student Association (including the IEEE Photonics Society student chapter branch at INRS) will hold a booth at the event to connect our association with other student chapters in the Montreal area. We will do this by highlighting research happening at INRS EMT from our students and postdocs to potential collaborators and students from other institutions. Part of this includes promoting the activities held by the chapter branch and seeking out opportunities for future joint events at a city-wide level. Co-sponsored by: OPTICA-SPIE Student Chapter at INRS Bldg: Atrium Lorne-M.-Trottier, 2700 Chemin de la Tour, Bldg: Pavillon Lassonde, 3e étage, MONTRÉAL, Quebec, Canada, H3T 1J4

Satellites: from idea to financing

Room: M1010 , Bldg: Pavillon Lassonde, 1e étage, 2700, Chemin de la Tour, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3T 1J4

What does it take to develop a new satellite constellation from the initial idea to the point of getting the funding to build it? And how are funding decisions actually made and are we really aware of what drives our own decisions in life? Helena van Mierlo was the driving force behind a constellation of satellites for wildfire monitoring which is slated for launch in 2029. She brings us on a journey of the eight years she spent to turn this novel space-based wildfire monitoring service into a reality. Along the way you will be learning some interesting facts about wildfires, satellites and her own career path, but above all she will share with us her lessons learned about what it takes to get your idea financed. Co-sponsored by: ETS. STARACOM. INTRIQ. PRIMA. Fonex. PreFab. Numana. Ansys. Femtum. Optech. Aeponyx. Excelitas Technologies. Speaker(s): Helena van Mierlo Agenda: - 1:00 PM - 1:10 PM: Welcome by Chairs of the 8th Montreal Photonics Networking Event - 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM: Plenary speaker Room: M1010 , Bldg: Pavillon Lassonde, 1e étage, 2700, Chemin de la Tour, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3T 1J4