Interaction-Centered Design: Frontier of Trustworthy Human-Autonomy Teaming

Room: 603, Bldg: McConnell Engineering, 3480 University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 0E9

The Montreal Chapter of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, in collaboration with STARaCom, cordially invites you to attend the following talk to be given (in presence) at McGill University by Dr. Ming Hou, from Defense Research and Development Canada (Ottawa). Speaker(s): Dr. Ming Hou Room: 603, Bldg: McConnell Engineering, 3480 University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 0E9

Fiber Attach: Technical progress within IEEE Standards


The IEEE Photonics Society / Standards Committee recently published a whitepaper on Fiber Attach. Transmission of light between or in and out of any photonic platform normally requires attachment to a fiber that is used as a flexible optical waveguide. An effective fiber attach involves many requirements and metrics that have so far involved decades of research. The presentation will cover the whitepaper in detail, some technical background, the path forward, and how to become involved. Co-sponsored by: National Research Council, Canada. Optonique. Speaker(s): John S. Mazurowski, Virtual:

Managing Our Digital Identities

Bldg: Library Building, Concordia University, 4th Space, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Virtual:

The digital identity domain is transforming fast with versatile options, especially through biometrics like face, voice, heartbeat, and fingerprint. How can we manage all our digital identities securely and efficiently? And how much we can rely on these? For example, how does a video selfie instantly tell our age? Is it possible to fake our facial identities by just putting on a mask, as we see in some movies? To know and ask more, join us virtually or in person at the 4th Space in Concordia University on 8 February, for an interactive discussion. This event is supported by the IEEE Canada Foundation. Co-sponsored by: IEEE Canada Foundation Bldg: Library Building, Concordia University, 4th Space, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Virtual:

Vancouver TALK 22: Innovative Proton Beam Applications at TRIUMF


Speaker: Dr Ewart Blackmore, Former Head of the Accelerator Technology Division, TRIUMF Abstract: The presentation will describe applications of the TRIUMF cyclotron beams for cancer therapy, radiation effect testing of electronics and the production of medical isotopes. Although the TRIUMF cyclotron was initially built for basic research in nuclear and particle physics, there have been a number of practical applications of the proton beams. These include the treatment of cancers of the eye, radiation testing of electronics and materials for space, aircraft and ground level effects and the production of medical isotopes. Bio: Ewart Blackmore received his Ph.D. in nuclear physics from the University of British Columbia in 1967 after a B.Sc. in engineering physics from Queen’s University. He joined TRIUMF in 1969 and was an important member of the team that built the 500 MeV cyclotron. At TRIUMF he has worked in accelerator technology, instrumentation for particle and nuclear physics research, applications of particle beams as well as being the engineering division head for many years. From 1995-2007 he was project leader for Canada’s $41.5 million contribution of accelerator components to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Since 1995 he also developed the TRIUMF proton therapy facility and the proton and neutron radiation test facilities. Present research activities involve the use of muons and low energy protons for SEE testing. Registration is optional, but we want to know who to expect. 10:00 AM P.D.T. You can log in at 9:45 AM (12:45 PM Montreal) to check connection and say hello.All IEEE members are welcome, especially those Life Members that don't have a local Affinity Group. We are looking for speakers for the rest of the year, contact Carl Zanon if interested. Speaker(s): Dr. Ewart Blackmore, Agenda: 9:45 AM Zoom opens 10:00 AM Welcome and speaker introduction 10:05 AM Speaker Virtual:

Les stagiaires en entreprise: comment en faire une expérience à succès?


Rejoignez-nous pour apprendre davantage sur les aides financières et logistique, les outils pour l’identification des compétences des stagiaires et la formation des superviseurs, ainsi que les bonnes pratiques pour une intégration efficace des stagiaires. Ce webinaire est pertinent aux responsables RH et gestionnaires de stage. Co-sponsored by: Optonique. Speaker(s): Cindy Leclerc, Virtual: