The Chip Act: A New Era in US Semiconductors


Welcome to Global Webinar co-sponsored by Pikes Peak Section and Panama Computer Society Chapter and co-hosted by a number of Chapters worldwide. The Chip Act: A New Era in US Semiconductors David Bondurant, Vertical Memory Matt Francis, Ozark IC This presentation will review 50-years of Semiconductor and Computer developments and historical competition between countries that developed. We observe the historical scaling of semiconductors (Moore’s Law) and the fact the Moore’s Law scaling is reaching it’s end. We review Beyond Moore changes to semiconductor processing and packaging technology required to continue computer performance improvement and why control of leading edge semiconductor and packaging manufacturing is now strategic. The Chip Act is the United States response to demands of Beyond Moore requirements and need to bring manufacturing closer to home. We review the Chip Act and update on it’s developments during 2023. Speaker(s): David, Matt, Agenda: Welcome Presentation Discussion and Questions Virtual:

Satellite IoT: Architectures, Technologies, and Systems


5G and 6G mobile communication systems will encompass a Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN) that will include different satellite systems (LEO including cubesats/MEO/GEO) as well as High-Altitude Platform Stations (HAPS) in the stratosphere and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to cover remote areas that otherwise could not have access to the Internet. IoT via NTN is very important for a wide range of applications such as Earth monitoring, smart agriculture, pollution control, sea monitoring, and disaster management. In a first part, this seminar will investigate various architectural and networking options for collecting IoT data via satellite. Moreover, a second part of the seminar will address and compare two important technologies NB-IoT (part of 5G NTN specification according to 3GPP Release 17) and LoRa/LoRaWAN (including the LR-FHSS alternative for satellite systems). Finally, a review of current satellite IoT systems supporting NB-IoT or LoRa/LR-FHSS will be provided. Speaker(s): Giovanni Giambene, Virtual:

Vancouver TALK #20: Disaster Management Up Close and Personal; West Kelowna Wildfire 2023


Speaker: S. Carl Zanon, Senior Member, Chair LMAG of IEEE Vancouver Section Registration is optional, but we want to know who to expect. 10:00 AM P.D.T. You can log in at 9:45 AM (12:45 PM Montreal) to check connection and say hello.All IEEE members are welcome, especially those Life Members that don't have a local Affinity Group. We are looking for speakers for 2024. Contact Carl Zanon if interested. Speaker(s): Carl Zanon, Agenda: 9:45 AM Zoom opens 10:00 AM Welcome and speaker introduction 10:05 AM Speaker Virtual:

LMAG Chair Teleconference Agenda 2023-Dec 18 at 4:00 PM (EST)

Oakville, Ontario, Canada, L6H 2B1, Virtual:

R7 LMAG Executive Teleconference - MONTHLY MEETING Oakville, Ontario, Canada, L6H 2B1, Virtual:

An overview of three educational kits showcasing ethical and responsible use of AI to solve societal issues


This presentation will provide an overview of three hands-on educational kits that showcase how ethical and responsible AI can be used in the classroom to tackle a societal issue. These pedagogical kits were developed by a team from John Abbott College and Concordia University with funding from the PIA (Pôle montréalais d’enseignement supérieure en intelligence artificielle). The activities can be used as course components or as a stand-alone series of workshops intended for students with introductory to intermediate programming skills. Speaker(s): Mauricio Buschinelli, Kristen Irvine Agenda: 1pm - Project Team Introduction 1:05pm - Presentation 1:45pm - Q&A 1:55pm - Final Considerations and Meeting Adjournment Virtual: